All three sitters were present. Blackout conditions except for flourescent tape on the table and trumpet. We decided to leave paper and pencil on the table this week along with the trumpet, crystal, and flourescent ping pong ball. We began the circle with a prayer and then music. At approximately 11 minutes into the music I said that I felt a "a breeze" pass by my face. A more accurate description is that I felt cold air, like a breeze directly in front of me on my left, followed by what felt like a puff of air shot onto my nose and mouth, and then a quick breeze move to the right. That was it. It took me by surprise but there is no mistaking that it occurred because the breeze and puff of air was too strong for me to have second thoughts about it. After I mentioned it, one of the sitters said she saw a black shadow move across the flourescent tape on my left just prior to my mentioning the occurrence. The flourescent tape on my left is not within the the frame of the video so we are unable to see/verify what the sitter saw.
Approximately 10 minutes later I felt touched on the right arm. I am not willing to say with certainty that the touch on the arm was related to spirit but I mention it for documentation purposes only.
On video I saw on approximately three ocassions, a small bright object moving about but none of us saw this with our eyes during the circle. It could have been a small flying insect that caught the camera's lens and glowed momentarily from the nightshot light. If it was a flying insect, it could also have been responsible for what I felt as a touch on my arm.