Vivaldi Circle 5-18-11

Vivaldi Circle met this evening for our third session. We have 4 flourescent peices of tape on our circular table. It appeared that during our session one peice of tape, closest to Nadine's right hand side was intermittently partially obscured by blackness and then fully visible. There then appeared to be two circular white lights on the florescent tape moving about within the area of the tape. The tape is only about 0.5 x 0.5 inches. As I was watching the lights considering that it may be the flourescence of the tape in the darkness playing tricks on my eyes, Nadine called out my name several times with great concern in her voice. She said she felt as though she was touched on her right forearm and with some pressure. Nadine is very reasonable, a analytical person in the field of science and is not prone to letting her imagination get the best of her. As she reasoned, her hands were on top of the table, plams down and she was not moving. Her sleeve was snug against her skin. It was not the movement of her jersey shirt. After the session we recorded using the newest pre-recorded file that I made the other day (voice removed). This is what we heard. Both Nadine and I hear "I touched her" rather clearly ".

We are not ready to say with certainty that physical phenomena was observed this evening even with the EVP recorded. We remain optimistic but also analytical and observant. Just wanted to share our first experience with you. "I touched her"